Cry with no tears;
Hi. My name is Nooraimi Huda. I'm 17 going 18 next year. I'm Single for sure. And to know me more. Please read my entry. Don't judge a book by cover.

The truth,
Raimi Huda Amyda.
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" Alright, let’s stop crying now
wipe away your tears now "

- Hover and click the navi's ♥
- If you're a hater, run befo' I eatchu.
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Freebies Float Shoutbox
Monday, July 11, 2011 | 8:02 AM | 0 comments ♥
okay saya dah lama terfikir untuk buat freebies .. cuma keaadan yg tak mengizinkan sekrang ny .. Sekarang Followers saya dh bertambah-tambah .. that's why i do this freebies .. okay malas nak type bebanyak .. dh amik tu .. buat buat lah comment ye .. minta permission .. sy buat bukan dgn tangan awak .. so comment la bila dh ambil sebelum awak digelarkan copy cats ye sayangg :) mwehh I LOVE YOU
ok ny je yg dpt saya buat .. suka atau tidak .. ini lah hasil kerja saya okay :)